0800 0852 733
The difference between a heart attack and cardiac arrest

AED Training Mandatory For All First Aid At Work Courses

As of 31st December 2016 The First Aid at Work (FAW) and the Emergency First at Work (EFAW) courses required all workplace first aiders to be trained in the use of  Automatic External Defibrillators (AED).  The revision to the syllabus follows updates to the Resuscitation Council Guidelines on cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in October 2015.

AEDs play a vital role in drastically improving a casualty’s chance of survival after a Cardiac Arrest, the UK’s biggest killer. Courses now include an introduction to cardiac arrest, identifying a cardiac arrest and the how to effectively use a defibrillator in an emergency.

Rent an AED from Debrillator Machines

By raising awareness and educating the general public around the topic of sudden cardiac arrest, we can ensure that more lives are saved each year.

Defib Machines offers specialised AED rental packages for businesses and local authories. Our packages, that start at £1 a day also includes a training session with the staff, allowing them to confidently use the equipment in case of an emergency.

Discover our full range of defib machine rental packages online now.

Due to the change in law, in 2015, dental practices were required to have an AED readily accessible on the property. Consequently, Defib Machines also offers a specialist dental defibrillator rental package.

As well as maintenance and health check services on the defibrillator itself, our services also includes regular refresher courses and training on any new piece of equipment.

Contact Defibrillator Machines

Training from Defib provides a full understanding of how your device will work and how to save a life in the case of an emergency.

Staff members do not need any prior first aid qualifications to complete the Defib Machines AED training. We believe that is is paramount to ensure that everyone feels confident enough to help a victim of Sudden Cardiac Arrest if the situation arises.

To find out more about our all-inclusive defibrillator rental packages, training or anything else please contact a member of our team on 0800 0852 733 or contact Defib Machines online.

AED Training Mandatory For All First Aid At Work Courses