Cardiac Arrests Still The Major Killer, Despite COVID-19 Crisis
Everyone is aware of how deadly COVID-19 is, but did you know that cardiac arrest is still one of the UK’s leading causes of deaths? The ongoing coronavirus pandemic has brought many challenges and fostered huge community spirit throughout the UK – something to be immensely proud of.
But it is still important to be mindful of the danger of heart-related conditions during this time. This means seeking medical help when necessary and everyone playing their part to ensure the NHS can meet the demand of not only coronavirus patients, but anyone who requires life-saving medical treatment.
Heart and Circulatory Diseases
Figures from the British Heart Foundation* show that 7.4 million people are living with cardiovascular disease in the UK. And every day, 460 people die from a heart or circulatory-related illness, such as a stroke, inherited condition, or cardiac arrest.
Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) is the world’s leading cause of death. Every 8 minutes a person in the UK dies from CHD. It is responsible for 64,000 deaths in the UK and nearly 10 million deaths across the globe every year.
This is almost 3 times the number of deaths as caused by lower respiratory tract infections globally.
React Quickly To Save Lives
Even during the COVID-19 crisis, if a family member, friend, or yourself are suffering the effects of a stroke, heart attack, or other heart-related condition, it is vital to still seek medical assistance.
Reacting quickly to an emergency can save lives and reduce long-term pressure on the NHS. With more than 200,000 hospital admissions a year related to heart attacks, it is now important more than ever that we all play a part in helping to look after each other — both at home, in public, and in the workplace.
Automatic Defibrillators Save Lives
Speed is essential in the case of a heart attack. A defibrillator can play a crucial role in this endeavour. Always call 999 and follow the instructions of the emergency operator. Reacting quickly in the correct manner is vital to saving lives.
Businesses and local communities can play a key role by having a defibrillator close to hand. Customers, staff, and local residents can all benefit from the widespread availability of defibrillators.
Community centres, places of worship, education establishments, offices, industrial units, retail and other environments can help by investing in life-saving equipment. There are many examples of lives saved due to the availability of a defibrillator.
Invest In The Defibrillator Buyback Scheme
Defib Machines is the UK’s premier supplier of automatic defibrillators for rental. Our defibrillator buyback scheme ensures your organisation is equipped for all heart-related emergencies.
Here’s how it works: We will buy your old defib from you and provide a brand new machine with ongoing maintenance included for only £1 a day. This includes regular servicing and free on-site training/refresher courses, signs, wall brackets, and more.
Get a full understanding on how much an aed will cost your organisation.
Visit our website or call 0800 0852 733 for further information.