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A yellow telephone box housing a defibrillator

Cost, Education, Service: The Defib Machines Journey So Far

  • Founded in 2016, Defib Machines aimed to revolutionise the automatic external defibrillator industry with affordable rental packages.

  • Defib Machines provides free training and meets quality standards for reliable, accessible, life saving defibrillators.

  • Managing Director of Defib Machines, Jonathan Gilbert, is focused on educating to improve defibrillator usability in UK emergencies.

In 2015, while wandering the streets of Italy, Jonathan Gilbert encountered a defibrillator that piqued his curiosity and sparked a transformative idea. This chance encounter led him to explore the world of Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) and question why they were so prevalent abroad yet scarcely seen in the UK. Driven by his background in health and safety, sports, and lifesaving, Jonathan was inspired to tackle the barriers slowing AED adoption in the UK: cost, education, and service.

He found that traditional defibrillators were expensive to buy and maintain, making them hard for organisations to provide to the public or their staff. Plus, not many people knew how to use them properly. Defib Machines set out to remedy this by offering affordable AED packages. They just needed to find a way to drive the costs down.

Affordable Defibrillator Access: Defib Machines’ Cost-Effective Solutions

By 2016, Defib Machines was born and Jonathan assumed the role of Managing Director. The team got started on creating a revolution in the defibrillator world, centred around affordability.

“In addressing the barriers to widespread defibrillator adoption, Defib Machines first honed in on the expensive costs associated with traditional devices,” reflects Jonathan. “From initial purchase prices ranging from £800 to £2000, to recurring expenses for pads and batteries every couple of years, the financial burden was simply unsustainable for many organisations, especially smaller enterprises.”

Defib Machines tackled cost barriers by offering a simple fully serviced and maintained AED rental package. The package brought together for the first time the initial purchase of defibrillators with ongoing maintenance services. By bundling these together, the company aimed to provide a more cost-effective solution.

This approach ensured that users received everything they needed to always have a working AED and didn’t face additional expenses for essential maintenance components like pads and batteries or training. It changed everything, and suddenly made defibrillator ownership financially viable for everyone.

Bridging the Knowledge Gap: Defib Education in the UK

Education is a key part of the Defib Machines mission, after being identified as a key reason AEDs are not used in an emergency. Free onsite training and refresher training sessions are included with all Defib Machines installed. This helps remove any fears or doubts and provides confidence in people to be able to save a life when cardiac arrest occurs.

Simple and easy to follow onsite training sessions are provided and available to anyone, you don’t have to be a first aider to learn how to use an AED.

“We provide training every two years to make sure that people are comfortable, confident and understand how to use a defibrillator in an emergency,” Jonathan explains. He highlights the significance of this training as a skill that transcends the workplace, recognising that individuals may need to utilise defibrillators beyond the workplace and help to create a nationwide network of lifesavers.

Making the training accessible to anyone has been key to the success of Defib Machines lifesaving programs. Allowing those who are not first aid trained has increased the uptake of those willing to learn how to use an AED, with more people often requesting to be included in the refresher training after feedback from their colleagues about the ease of using a device and the simple sessions provided.

Jonathan Gilbert underscores a persistent worry: the sale of defibrillators without the necessary support. He finds it alarming that individuals might purchase devices, feeling secure in their investment, only to discover they lack crucial components or maintenance. Such oversights, like expired pads and batteries, or lack of professional care, can leave users vulnerable in critical moments. For Jonathan, ensuring defibrillators come with proper servicing and support is paramount to instilling confidence and safeguarding lives.

Jonathan acknowledges the monumental shifts in attitudes witnessed over the years. “When we started, we were criticised for offering servicing and maintenance despite the recommendations from manufacturers and statistics surrounding device failures,” he recalls. “Yet, as the market landscape transformed, the responsibility of offering servicing has now become a standard practice, but there is still more to be done”.

Jonathan contrasts the approach to defibrillator provision in the UK with that of other countries, noting the prevalence of service-inclusive packages elsewhere. “Other countries have laws to ensure AEDs function properly, including devices that have to be professionally serviced every two years,” he observes. This recognition of the necessity for regular maintenance has spurred positive changes in the UK, but there are still large leaps to be taken to include everything needed to have a working defibrillator when it is purchased rather than rented.

Pushing Forward: Addressing Defib Market Needs in the UK

When looking at defibrillator regulations in the UK, Jonathan says it’s clear they’re not as strict as in countries like France, Italy, Germany, or the USA. Unlike the thorough checks done by the US FDA, there’s no specific standards for defibrillators before they’re sold in the UK. This means there’s a wide range in the quality of defibrillators available.

This lack of strict regulations has led to many defibrillators being sold without meeting the same quality standards seen in other countries. As a result, there’s less or missing clinical evidence to support claims they work properly in emergencies.

Despite these challenges, Defib Machines are committed to maintaining the highest standards. All devices installed by Defib Machines meet or exceed the criteria set by regulators in other countries, like those set by the FDA in the USA, or MDR in Europe. This focus on quality is crucial, as defibrillators need to be reliable when they’re needed most.

Ready and Resilient: Defib Machines’ Continuous Preparedness

Defib Machines adopts a proactive stance to ensure defibrillator readiness, regularly communicating with customers and providing follow-ups every six months. In cases of emergency usage, they promptly dispatch an engineer to replace the device within 24 hours.

The decision to replace used defibrillators is multifaceted. Not only does it guarantee necessary servicing post-use, crucial for device effectiveness, but it also facilitates data sharing with manufacturers and the University of Warwick for research. Furthermore, acknowledging the emotional weight of defibrillator use, Defib Machines offers a fresh device to customers, providing a clean slate.

As Jonathan Gilbert aptly puts it, “A defibrillator is not a fountain of youth. It gives incredible statistics for saving somebody’s life with one compared to without one, but it will avoid lives being lost which could have otherwise been saved.” This perspective underscores a commitment to a human-centred approach, ensuring customers receive not just a device, but also empathy and understanding.

Grounded in principles of quality, affordability, and education, Defib Machines remains steadfast in a mission to bridge the gap between crisis and survival—a beacon of hope in a world where every heartbeat matters.

“We’re immensely proud of our work and approach. Our mission is clear: to elevate expectations until defibrillators are not just reliable but also understood and accessible. We’re committed to ensuring they work when needed, that users are confident in their operation, and that each device boasts a proven track record. This is our passion, and we’ll continue pushing for improvements every step of the way.”

Cost, Education, Service: The Defib Machines Journey So Far