0800 0852 733
Maintaining a Defibrillator

Rise in Defibrillator Failure Due to Improper Care

The number of defibrillators around the UK is on the rise. With a number of high-profile cases, such as Fabrice Muamba and Sir Ranulph Fiennes, people have become aware more aware of the risks of cardiac arrest and how an AED (automated external defibrillator) saves lives in this situation.

However, many of these defibrillators have been sold without a proper maintenance and service package or even full instruction on how to properly care for the defibrillator.

Essential Defibrillator Care

Although many devices conduct a self test regularly, this often will not be enough as proven by the latest statistic that over 1 in 5 defibrillators fail due to improper maintenance.

When a defibrillator is needed it must work!

For this reason, all Defib Machines are provided with an all inclusive service and maintenance package. This means that, for just £1 a day, your machine will be cared for and receive regular health checks from our trained professionals to make sure that they are in the best working.

Defib Machines will also replace your defibrillator machine if it is ever used, damaged or displaying an error. You will also have the option to replace the device with a brand new Defib Machine after 18 months. Further to this, Defib Machines will also fully manage the purchase and replacement of the pads and battery.

Contact the Defib Machines team

To find out more, speak to one of our specialists free on 0800 0852 733 or email solutions@defibmachines.co.uk.

If you have purchased a defib and did not receive a full service and maintenance package with your device, you can have a free health-check. Call us on 0800 0852 733 to book today.

Do you know how much defibrillators cost in the UK?

Rise in Defibrillator Failure Due to Improper Care