0800 0852 733
Maintaining your defibrillator

Teen Survives New Year Cardiac Arrest

New Year’s Eve is a time for celebration. Parties up and down the country bring in the dawn of a New Year. It is seen as a happy time when any of the problems of the previous year are left behind. However, it can also be a time of year during which the ambulance services are stretched to breaking point.

Shortly after midnight, a call was made to the ambulance service in Birmingham reporting a teenager who was unresponsive and not breathing. These symptoms are usually a sign of cardiac arrest and should always be treated as such. Once identified, paramedics were sent to the scene immediately and the nearest AED (automated external defibrillator) found.

Defibrillators save lives

With the use of a defibrillator, the teenager was resuscitated before being sent to the Birmingham City Hospital.

This is a prime example of the importance of having Defib Machines readily available on-site. Unfortunately cardiac arrest can affect anyone, of any age and at anytime without any prior warning. With 140,000 cases of cardiac arrest a year in the UK alone, and 241 of these school children, it is one of the biggest causes of death in the UK.

Defib Machines provide lifesaving defibrillator machines throughout the UK for just £1 per day. Our exclusive ‘all-inclusive’ offering means that service and maintenance of the machine is taken care of by professionals whilst a new machine is provided after use, if an error is shown or every 18 months. Learn more about UK defibrillator cost.

Contact Defib Machines

To find out how you can protect your staff, customers, patients, students or members of the public contact us either by calling 0800 0852 733 or by emailing solutions@defibmachines.co.uk and speak to one of our experts today.

Teen Survives New Year Cardiac Arrest