Why your shop needs a defibrillator
Life in a store can be extremely busy. Customers entering the store and window shopping, deliveries and employees starting and ending shifts sees the footfall quickly increase.
As the more people that pass by a store or enter it sadly the chances of a cardiac arrest occurring increases.
In the UK over 140,000 people are affected by cardiac arrest each year, making it the biggest killer in the country. It affects both young and old, with 241 school children dying each year. A cardiac arrest is a sudden and life threatening condition which can strike at any time without warning.
Increase survival rates of cardiac arrest
Survival rates of a cardiac arrest can be increased significantly from 5% to 75% with the use of a defibrillator within the first ten minutes.
With the interest of protecting both the public and their workforce a number of leading UK stores have been fitted with Defib Machines. Marks & Spencer and Boots have recently invested heavily in defibrillators, aiming to place at least one in every store across the country. Each of these has also been added to the public register which allows 999 callers to be made aware of where the nearest defibrillator is available to them, an offer that Defib Machines provides and recommends.
Automatic Defib Machines are small portable devices that are installed onto a wall, which can be chosen when the machine is fitted. On installation Defib Machines will provide clear signage for the device, training and a demonstration of the device. Training, however, is not necessary for using a Defib Machine and are designed to be used by anyone.
Make sure you understand the defibrillator cost.
Easy-to-use automatic defibs for stores
If the Defib Machine is ever needed; immediately call 999, begin CPR; ask for the Defib Machine to be brought immediately. Once the Defib Machine arrives simply open the device using the button on the front and follow the clear and simple instructions from the device. Once used the machines will be replaced Defib Machines for a new defibrillator.
For more information on cardiac arrest, defibrillators or our fully inclusive deals please call 0800 0852 733 or email solutions@defibmachines.co.uk to speak to one of our specialists.